Bakersfield ChiRunning Clinic
November 8th 2009
Run injury-free for the rest of your life
Increase efficiency with a mid-foot strike
Increase your speed while reducing effort
Finish a pain-free marathon and look forward to running again!
Hello Running and Walking Community of Bakersfield & Beyond!
Let me begin by saying how much I have missed sharing the trails with all of you these past few years! Motherhood, however, has trumped my running world temporarily. Instead of celebrating marathon accomplishments, I just celebrated Maxine’s 2nd birthday!
There is so much news to share about ChiRunning and ChiWalking that I could never fit it into this email. If you’d like more information on all that is going on, check out the ChiRunning official website at www.chirunning.com.
Most importantly, here are the details for the upcoming Bakersfield clinic:
Clinic Date: November 8th 2009
Time: 9am – 1pm
Location: Yokuts Park , Bakersfield , CA
Fee: $70/individual; $130 if you sign up as a pair
Advance Payment Preferred
Send checks payable to:
Bryn Randolph
306 Irene Street
Bakersfield, CA 93305
Water, light snack, comfortable running gear, sunglasses, etc...(you only actually run about 800 meters throughout the clinic)
Limit: 12 participants
Just what IS ChiRunning?
For beginners and competitors and practiced by thousands of runners, ChiRunning combines modern physics with the ancient wisdom of T’ai Chi to create a running form that is easily learned and makes running more effortless and enjoyable.
Endorsed by top runners, medical doctors, and regular people, ChiRunning is revolutionizing the sport of running.
What will I get out of the workshop?
In this workshop you will learn the basic ingredients of the ChiRunning® Technique.
I will be guiding you through many exercises and drills designed to leave you with a clear sense of what the ChiRunning technique feels like in your body. We will not be doing lots of running (contrary to what you might imagine), so no matter what condition you’re in, have no fear. We will spend the day alternating between demonstrations, fun exercises and technique drills…the nature of the day will be relaxed, full, and inspiring.
- The Keys to Effortless, Injury-free Running
- The Physics of Running: Run without Using Your Legs
- ChiRunning® versus Power Running
- Introduction to the ChiRunning® Form
- Posture, Lean, Lift
- Personal Check-in Tricks and Tools
- Learning to Use Your Gears
- Core Muscle Drills and Exercises
- Pre-run Body Looseners, Post-run Stretches
- Run Various Speeds While Conserving Energy
- Hill Running techniques
- Videotaping of your running form
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