Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The People

 Ultrarunning can seem like that too, especially during the latter stages of a long race. Some people race by with unswerving focus, while others waltz past casually, commenting on the flowers. Some people are loud, some are silent. Some are catastrophically depressed, while others are extraordinarily buoyant. The spectrum varies widely. This goes far beyond racing, as well. So many people come to this sport from so many different directions that spending time at a race can be an introduction to anything from new languages to new foods to new ideas (usually food-related, usually bad ones). Being a part of the ultrarunning community has introduced me to an amazing array of people and opportunities. This point was especially brought home this past weekend during a friend’s wedding, at which seemingly the entire ultrarunning community was present. As a tribute to the community, here are a few examples of why I love these people.

The People

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