This is a list that I started a few years ago and it is not complete. It only lists boys who broke 17 minutes on the 5k Woodward course and girls who broke 20 minutes. If you have additions, please send them my way.
- Club 15 - Stockdale's Blake Haney & Cameron Miller are the Latest Inductees
- Club 16 - Kern County Boys who broke 17 minutes at Woodward
- Club 18 - Kern County Girls who broke 19 minutes at Woodward
- Club 19 - Kern County Girls who broke 19 minutes at Woodward
- Update on 10.09.10.
rank | name | time | yr | school | race | year | sex |
ATT | fernandez,german | 1424 | 12 | riverbank | state | 2007 | boy |
1 | schwartz,chris | 1509 | 12 | foothill | clovis | 2008 | boy |
2 | Schwartz Chris | 1513 | 11 | foothill | state | 2007 | boy |
3 | Brewer Ricardo | 1520 | 12 | north | state | 1992 | boy |
4 | Gallegos Cruz | 1520 | 12 | centennial | state | 1991 | boy |
5 | schwartz,chris | 1521 | 11 | foothill | clovis | 2007 | boy |
6 | Nelson Billy | 1522 | 12 | taft | state | 2001 | boy |
7 | Gomez Andres | 1528 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 2000 | boy |
8 | schwartz,chris | 1529 | 12 | foothill | state | 2008 | boy |
9 | Gonzalez Galvin | 1530 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 1993 | boy |
10 | schwartz,chris | 1531 | 11 | foothill | valley | 2007 | boy |
11 | Gonzalez Galvin | 1531 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 1994 | boy |
12 | Nelson Billy | 1540 | 11 | taft | state | 2000 | boy |
13 | Duran Richard | 1541 | 12 | Wasco | state | 1987 | boy |
14 | Rooney Brandon | 1543 | 12 | techachapi | state | 2004 | boy |
15 | Grijalva Mario | 1543 | 11 | highland | state | 2000 | boy |
16 | baker,robby | 1546 | 12 | ridgeview | rough | 2009 | boy |
17 | garcia,alex | 1548 | 12 | ridgeview | valley | 2009 | boy |
18 | Sanchez Raudel | 1548 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 2000 | boy |
19 | miller,cameron | 1548 | 11 | stockdale | clovis | 2010 | boy |
20 | schwartz,chris | 1549 | 12 | foothill | valley | 2008 | boy |
21 | Hickey Terry | 1551 | 12 | foothill | state | 1992 | boy |
22 | Duran Richard | 1551 | 12 | Wasco | state | 1990 | boy |
23 | Rooney Brandon | 1552 | 11 | techachapi | state | 2003 | boy |
24 | Herrera Luis | 1552 | 12 | arvin | state | 1995 | boy |
25 | Brewer Ricardo | 1553 | 11 | north | state | 1991 | boy |
26 | Castro Jorge | 1555 | 11 | arvin | state | 1994 | boy |
27 | Nelson Billy | 1556 | 10 | taft | state | 1999 | boy |
28 | Castro Jorge | 1556 | 12 | arvin | state | 1995 | boy |
29 | Galvan Benjamin | 1557 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 1993 | boy |
30 | Curtis Shane | 1557 |
| bakersfield | state | 1988 | boy |
31 | Romero Juan | 1557 | 12 | arvin | state | 1988 | boy |
32 | haney,blake | 1557 | 9 | stockdale | clovis | 2010 | boy |
33 | Orosco John | 1558 | 12 | taft | state | 1992 | boy |
34 | Perezchica Jose | 1559 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 1996 | boy |
35 | garcia,alex | 1600 | 12 | ridgeview | rough | 2009 | boy |
36 | gragg,cody | 1600 | 12 | north | valley | 2007 | boy |
37 | alcala,gerado | 1602 | 12 | mcfarland | grand | 2008 | boy |
38 | Ruiz Octavio | 1602 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 2005 | boy |
39 | Herrera Luis | 1602 | 11 | arvin | state | 1994 | boy |
40 | Longcrier Nathan | 1603 | 11 | centennial | state | 2004 | boy |
41 | Perezchica Giovanni | 1603 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 2000 | boy |
42 | Verdejo Eduardo | 1603 | 12 | foothill | state | 1993 | boy |
43 | garcia,alex | 1604 | 12 | ridgeview | state | 2009 | boy |
44 | schwartz,chris | 1604 | 10 | foothill | valley | 2006 | boy |
45 | baker,robby | 1605 | 12 | ridgeview | valley | 2009 | boy |
46 | baker,robby | 1605 | 12 | ridgeview | state | 2009 | boy |
47 | schwartz,chris | 1605 | 11 | foothill | grand | 2007 | boy |
48 | Gomez Andres | 1607 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 1999 | boy |
49 | Herrera Luis | 1607 | 10 | arvin | state | 1993 | boy |
50 | nava,francisco | 1607 | 12 | mcfarland | clovis | 2010 | boy |
51 | burke,lucas | 1608 |
| stockdale | valley | 2002 | boy |
52 | Sanchez Raudel | 1609 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 2001 | boy |
53 | Sanchez Mark | 1609 | 12 | arvin | state | 1990 | boy |
54 | Medina Javier | 1610 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 2003 | boy |
55 | Mejia Esteban | 1612 | 12 | bakersfield | state | 2000 | boy |
56 | Peterson John | 1612 | 10 | bakersfield | state | 1998 | boy |
57 | Perezchica Jose | 1612 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 1997 | boy |
58 | Yalles Thomas | 1613 |
| mcfarland | state | 1987 | boy |
59 | Samaniego Johnny | 1614 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 1989 | boy |
60 | Flores Javier | 1615 | 12 | Wasco | state | 1989 | boy |
61 | garcia.erik | 1616 | 9 | mcfarland | state | 2009 | boy |
62 | solis,brian | 1616 | 12 | ridgeview | rough | 2009 | boy |
63 | Atsbeha Eayoll | 1616 | 12 | ridgeview | state | 2005 | boy |
64 | zavala,victor | 1616 |
| mcfarland | valley | 2002 | boy |
65 | Ballardo Rudy | 1616 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 1996 | boy |
66 | Cavazos Rudy | 1616 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 1996 | boy |
67 | Fuson Micah | 1616 | 12 | taft | state | 1995 | boy |
68 | garcia,erik | 1617 | 9 | mcfarland | valley | 2009 | boy |
69 | kelly,curtis | 1617 | 10 | stockdale | clovis | 2009 | boy |
70 | Grijalva Mario | 1617 | 10 | highland | state | 1999 | boy |
71 | Fuson Micah | 1617 | 10 | taft | state | 1993 | boy |
72 | Romero Juan | 1617 | 11 | arvin | state | 1987 | boy |
73 | cisneros,alfonso | 1618 | 11 | mcfarland | grand | 2008 | boy |
74 | cisneros,alfonso | 1618 | 11 | mcfarland | rough | 2007 | boy |
75 | Burke Lucas | 1619 | 12 | stockdale | state | 2002 | boy |
76 | medina,javier | 1619 |
| mcfarland | clovis | 2002 | boy |
77 | cisneros,alfonso | 1620 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 2008 | boy |
78 | cisneros,alfonso | 1620 | 12 | mcfarland | valley | 2008 | boy |
79 | Mejia Francisco | 1620 | 11 | bakersfield | state | 2002 | boy |
80 | Galvan Hector | 1620 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 1999 | boy |
81 | Castro Jorge | 1620 | 10 | arvin | state | 1993 | boy |
82 | Gomez Jesus | 1621 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 2006 | boy |
83 | Perezchica Giovanni | 1621 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 2001 | boy |
84 | Gomez Andres | 1621 | 10 | mcfarland | state | 1998 | boy |
85 | Rocha Eduardo | 1621 | 12 | north | state | 1998 | boy |
86 | nava,francisco | 1622 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 2009 | boy |
87 | Ballardo Rudy | 1622 | 10 | mcfarland | state | 1995 | boy |
88 | garcia,eddie | 1623 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 2008 | boy |
89 | cisneros,alfonso | 1623 | 11 | mcfarland | clovis | 2007 | boy |
90 | Longcrier Nathan | 1623 | 9 | centennial | state | 2002 | boy |
91 | Zavala Victor | 1623 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 2002 | boy |
92 | garcia,erik | 1623 | 10 | mcfarland | clovis | 2010 | boy |
93 | miller,cameron | 1624 | 10 | stockdale | state | 2009 | boy |
94 | cisneros,alfonso | 1624 | 11 | mcfarland | valley | 2007 | boy |
95 | gomez,jesus | 1624 | 12 | mcfarland | rough | 2007 | boy |
96 | Gonzalez Arturo | 1624 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 2000 | boy |
97 | Webb Erik | 1624 | 12 | north | state | 1999 | boy |
98 | miller,cameron | 1624 | 11 | stockdale | golden | 2010 | boy |
99 | miller,cameron | 1625 | 10 | stockdale | valley | 2009 | boy |
100 | villalpondo,jesus | 1625 | 11 | shafter | valley | 2009 | boy |
101 | garcia,eddie | 1625 | 12 | mcfarland | grand | 2008 | boy |
102 | puga,manual | 1625 |
| shafter | valley | 2002 | boy |
103 | Rozell Colby | 1625 | 11 | east | state | 2001 | boy |
104 | Sanchez Jose Luis | 1625 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 1993 | boy |
105 | Chavez Chris | 1626 | 11 | east | state | 1993 | boy |
106 | perez,marco | 1627 | 1 | mcfarland | grand | 2008 | boy |
107 | garcia,eddie | 1627 | 11 | mcfarland | rough | 2007 | boy |
108 | baker,robby | 1628 | 11 | ridgeview | state | 2008 | boy |
109 | gomez,jesus | 1628 | 12 | mcfarland | grand | 2007 | boy |
110 | lewis,jason | 1628 |
| foothill | clovis | 2002 | boy |
111 | Perezchica Hector | 1628 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 2000 | boy |
112 | zavala,victor | 1629 |
| mcfarland | clovis | 2002 | boy |
113 | Webb Erik | 1629 | 11 | north | state | 1998 | boy |
114 | Mendoza Asencion | 1630 | 10 | Wasco | state | 2006 | boy |
115 | Rodriguez Oscar | 1630 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 2001 | boy |
116 | Arambula Jose | 1630 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 1996 | boy |
117 | Verdejo Eduardo | 1630 | 11 | foothill | state | 1992 | boy |
118 | garcia,eddie | 1631 | 12 | mcfarland | valley | 2008 | boy |
119 | jones,brant | 1631 | 12 | centennial | valley | 2007 | boy |
120 | Medina Victor | 1631 | 12 | arvin | state | 1994 | boy |
121 | Villvicencio Jesus | 1631 | 12 | south | state | 1994 | boy |
122 | o'Campo Adolfo | 1631 | 12 | Wasco | state | 1989 | boy |
123 | garcia,erik | 1632 | 9 | mcfarland | clovis | 2009 | boy |
124 | baker,robby | 1632 | 11 | ridgeview | rough | 2008 | boy |
125 | kelly,curtis | 1632 | 9 | stockdale | valley | 2008 | boy |
126 | mendoza,asencion | 1632 | 12 | Wasco | grand | 2008 | boy |
127 | gomez,jesus | 1632 | 12 | mcfarland | clovis | 2007 | boy |
128 | mendoza,asencion | 1632 | 10 | Wasco | valley | 2006 | boy |
129 | medina,javier | 1632 | 12 | mcfarland | valley | 2003 | boy |
130 | Perezchica Giovanni | 1632 | 10 | mcfarland | state | 1999 | boy |
131 | kelly,curtis | 1632 | 11 | stockdale | clovis | 2010 | boy |
132 | garcia,erik | 1633 | 9 | mcfarland | rough | 2009 | boy |
133 | camargo,marco | 1633 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 2008 | boy |
134 | cisneros,alfonso | 1633 | 11 | mcfarland | grand | 2007 | boy |
135 | garcia,eddie | 1633 | 11 | mcfarland | clovis | 2007 | boy |
136 | garcia,eddie | 1633 | 11 | mcfarland | valley | 2007 | boy |
137 | Zavala Victor | 1633 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 2001 | boy |
138 | Soto Gerardo | 1633 | 10 | mcfarland | state | 1993 | boy |
139 | garcia,alex | 1634 | 11 | ridgeview | clovis | 2008 | boy |
140 | gomez,jesus | 1634 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 2007 | boy |
141 | Rojas Tony | 1634 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 2005 | boy |
142 | Sanchez Raudel | 1634 | 10 | mcfarland | state | 1999 | boy |
143 | Arambula Jose | 1634 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 1997 | boy |
144 | lopez,jose | 1635 | 12 | foothill | valley | 2009 | boy |
145 | nava,francisco | 1635 | 11 | mcfarland | clovis | 2009 | boy |
146 | cisneros,alfonso | 1635 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 2007 | boy |
147 | garcia,eddie | 1635 | 11 | mcfarland | grand | 2007 | boy |
148 | gomez,jose | 1635 | 11 | mcfarland | rough | 2007 | boy |
149 | lewis,jason | 1635 |
| foothill | valley | 2002 | boy |
150 | Rodriguez Oscar | 1635 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 2000 | boy |
151 | Wiswall Bill | 1635 | 12 | bakersfield | state | 1991 | boy |
152 | monrreal,jose | 1636 | 10 | mcfarland | valley | 2009 | boy |
153 | nava,francisco | 1636 | 11 | mcfarland | valley | 2009 | boy |
154 | Diaz Gabriel | 1636 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 1992 | boy |
155 | Hickey Terry | 1636 | 10 | foothill | state | 1990 | boy |
156 | fisher,connor | 1636 | 11 | stockdale | clovis | 2010 | boy |
157 | calderon,juan | 1637 | 11 | arvin | valley | 2009 | boy |
158 | miller,cameron | 1637 | 10 | stockdale | clovis | 2009 | boy |
159 | baker,robby | 1637 | 11 | ridgeview | clovis | 2008 | boy |
160 | perez,marco | 1637 | 10 | mcfarland | valley | 2008 | boy |
161 | fuentes,oscar | 1637 | 12 | East | rough | 2007 | boy |
162 | jones,brant | 1637 | 12 | centennial | clovis | 2007 | boy |
163 | wright ej | 1637 |
| foothill | clovis | 2002 | boy |
164 | Suburu Ryan | 1637 | 12 | ridgeview | state | 1996 | boy |
165 | Brewer Mark | 1637 | 11 | taft | state | 1991 | boy |
166 | lewis,colin | 1638 | 12 | highland | state | 2009 | boy |
167 | garcia,eddie | 1638 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 2007 | boy |
168 | perez,marco | 1638 | 9 | mcfarland | rough | 2007 | boy |
169 | Barnes Ricky | 1638 | 12 | garces | state | 2001 | boy |
170 | Neufeld Matt | 1638 | 12 | shafter | state | 1997 | boy |
171 | Orosco John | 1638 | 11 | taft | state | 1991 | boy |
172 | Alejo Jose | 1638 |
| Wasco | state | 1988 | boy |
173 | samaniego,sammy | 1638 |
| mcfarland | state | 1987 | boy |
174 | monrreal,jose | 1639 | 10 | mcfarland | clovis | 2009 | boy |
175 | camargo,marco | 1639 | 11 | mcfarland | grand | 2008 | boy |
176 | garcia,alex | 1639 | 11 | ridgeview | rough | 2008 | boy |
177 | mendoza,asencion | 1639 | 12 | Wasco | valley | 2008 | boy |
178 | nava,francisco | 1639 | 10 | mcfarland | valley | 2008 | boy |
179 | fuentes,oscar | 1639 | 12 | east | valley | 2007 | boy |
180 | habebo,tesfa | 1639 | 12 | west | rough | 2007 | boy |
181 | Noonan Brian | 1639 | 12 | techachapi | state | 2004 | boy |
182 | mejia,fancisco | 1639 |
| bakersfield | clovis | 2002 | boy |
183 | Gonzalez Francisco | 1639 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 2000 | boy |
184 | Farley Joshua | 1639 | 12 | north | state | 1998 | boy |
185 | camargo,marco | 1640 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 2009 | boy |
186 | solis,brian | 1640 | 12 | ridgeview | valley | 2009 | boy |
187 | gonzalez,avlaro | 1640 | 9 | ridgeview | clovis | 2010 | boy |
188 | perez,marco | 1641 | 11 | mcfarland | clovis | 2009 | boy |
189 | perez,marco | 1641 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 2009 | boy |
190 | perez,marco | 1641 | 10 | mcfarland | state | 2008 | boy |
191 | ruiz,octavio | 1641 | 10 | mcfarland | valley | 2003 | boy |
192 | Medina Javier | 1641 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 2002 | boy |
193 | Perezchica Jose | 1641 | 10 | mcfarland | state | 1995 | boy |
194 | Rogriguez Juan | 1641 | 12 | stockdale | state | 1993 | boy |
195 | perez,marco | 1642 | 11 | mcfarland | rough | 2009 | boy |
196 | nava,francisco | 1642 | 10 | mcfarland | grand | 2008 | boy |
197 | ramierez,arturo | 1642 | 12 | centennial | clovis | 2007 | boy |
198 | Galvan Benjamin | 1642 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 1992 | boy |
199 | Gonzalez galvin | 1642 | 10 | mcfarland | state | 1992 | boy |
200 | monrreal,jose | 1642 | 11 | mcfarland | clovis | 2010 | boy |
201 | kelly,curtis | 1643 | 10 | stockdale | valley | 2009 | boy |
202 | perez,marco | 1643 | 11 | mcfarland | valley | 2009 | boy |
203 | baker,robby | 1643 | 11 | ridgeview | valley | 2008 | boy |
204 | perez,marco | 1643 | 9 | mcfarland | valley | 2007 | boy |
205 | Gonzalez Francisco | 1643 | 10 | mcfarland | state | 1999 | boy |
206 | Peterson John | 1643 | 11 | bakersfield | state | 1999 | boy |
207 | Lopez Joel | 1643 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 1995 | boy |
208 | Galvan Jose | 1643 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 1994 | boy |
209 | Villvicencio Jesus | 1643 |
| south | state | 1993 | boy |
210 | camargo,marco | 1644 | 12 | mcfarland | valley | 2009 | boy |
211 | garcia,alex | 1644 | 11 | ridgeview | grand | 2008 | boy |
212 | garcia,eddie | 1644 | 12 | mcfarland | rough | 2008 | boy |
213 | alcala,gerado | 1644 | 11 | mcfarland | valley | 2007 | boy |
214 | javalera,pablo | 1644 | 12 | foothill | valley | 2006 | boy |
215 | cavazos,steven | 1644 |
| mcfarland | clovis | 2002 | boy |
216 | Puga Manuel | 1644 | 10 | shafter | state | 2000 | boy |
217 | Fuson Micah | 1644 | 11 | taft | state | 1994 | boy |
218 | Hickey Terry | 1644 | 11 | foothill | state | 1991 | boy |
219 | sanchez,mark | 1644 | 10 | arvin | state | 1988 | boy |
220 | puentes,victor | 1644 |
| mcfarland | state | 1987 | boy |
221 | slaton,blair | 1645 | 12 | stockdale | valley | 2009 | boy |
222 | nava,francico | 1645 | 10 | mcfarland | state | 2008 | boy |
223 | perez,marco | 1645 | 10 | mcfarland | rough | 2008 | boy |
224 | Lopez Joel | 1645 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 1996 | boy |
225 | Navarrette Enrique | 1645 |
| arvin | state | 1993 | boy |
226 | Sanchez Jose | 1645 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 1991 | boy |
227 | Verdejo Eduardo | 1645 | 10 | foothill | state | 1991 | boy |
228 | Lovett Stan | 1645 | 10 | north | state | 1990 | boy |
229 | lewis,jerrid | 1646 | 12 | ridgeview | rough | 2009 | boy |
230 | camargo,marco | 1646 | 11 | mcfarland | valley | 2008 | boy |
231 | camargo,marco | 1646 | 11 | mcfarland | rough | 2008 | boy |
232 | nava,francisco | 1646 | 10 | mcfarland | rough | 2008 | boy |
233 | Lucker Ryan | 1646 | 12 | stockdale | state | 2004 | boy |
234 | Velasco Aurelio | 1646 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 1999 | boy |
235 | Manderson James | 1646 | 10 | stockdale | state | 1995 | boy |
236 | Caldwell Jered | 1646 | 11 | highland | state | 1992 | boy |
237 | camargo,marco | 1647 | 12 | mcfarland | rough | 2009 | boy |
238 | fisher,connor | 1647 | 9 | stockdale | clovis | 2009 | boy |
239 | monrreal,jose | 1647 | 10 | mcfarland | state | 2009 | boy |
240 | van zandt, jake | 1647 | 12 | highland | valley | 2009 | boy |
241 | alcala,gerado | 1647 | 11 | mcfarland | rough | 2007 | boy |
242 | jones,brant | 1647 | 12 | centennial | grand | 2007 | boy |
243 | gomez,jesus | 1647 | 11 | mcfarland | valley | 2006 | boy |
244 | cavazos,steven | 1647 | 12 | mcfarland | valley | 2003 | boy |
245 | Gomez Alex | 1647 | 12 | shafter | state | 1996 | boy |
246 | Diaz Gabriel | 1647 | 9 | mcfarland | state | 1991 | boy |
247 | camargo,marco | 1648 | 10 | mcfarland | clovis | 2007 | boy |
248 | Galvan Hector | 1648 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 1998 | boy |
249 | Gonzalez Arturo | 1648 | 10 | mcfarland | state | 1998 | boy |
250 | Loeza Octavio | 1648 | 11 | shafter | state | 1998 | boy |
251 | Heredia Victor | 1648 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 1992 | boy |
252 | Sanchez Mark | 1648 | 11 | arvin | state | 1988 | boy |
253 | van zandt, jake | 1649 | 12 | highland | state | 2009 | boy |
254 | ramierez,arturo | 1649 | 12 | centennial | valley | 2007 | boy |
255 | gomez,jesus | 1649 | 12 | mcfarland | rough | 2006 | boy |
256 | longcrier,nathan | 1649 |
| centennial | valley | 2002 | boy |
257 | patino,cesar | 1650 | 10 | Wasco | valley | 2009 | boy |
258 | herrera,vincente | 1650 | 12 | east | valley | 2008 | boy |
259 | mendoza,asencion | 1650 | 12 | Wasco | state | 2008 | boy |
260 | bautista,eduaro | 1650 | 10 | mcfarland | clovis | 2007 | boy |
261 | camargo,marco | 1650 | 10 | mcfarland | rough | 2007 | boy |
262 | Vigil Freddis | 1650 | 10 | south | state | 2003 | boy |
263 | rooney,brandon | 1650 |
| techachapi | valley | 2002 | boy |
264 | Sanchez Jose L. | 1650 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 1992 | boy |
265 | camargo,marco | 1651 | 12 | mcfarland | clovis | 2009 | boy |
266 | fisher,connor | 1651 | 9 | stockdale | valley | 2009 | boy |
267 | solis,brian | 1651 | 11 | ridgeview | valley | 2008 | boy |
268 | gomez,jesus | 1651 | 12 | mcfarland | valley | 2007 | boy |
269 | Ruiz Octavio | 1651 | 10 | mcfarland | state | 2003 | boy |
270 | mejia,fancisco | 1651 |
| bakersfield | valley | 2002 | boy |
271 | Mejia Esteban | 1651 | 11 | bakersfield | state | 1999 | boy |
272 | Klase Chad | 1651 | 11 | north | state | 1992 | boy |
273 | turner,thomas | 1652 | 12 | highland | state | 2009 | boy |
274 | alcala,gerado | 1652 | 12 | mcfarland | valley | 2008 | boy |
275 | baker,robby | 1652 | 11 | ridgeview | grand | 2008 | boy |
276 | lewis,colin | 1652 | 11 | highland | state | 2008 | boy |
277 | alcala,gerado | 1652 | 11 | mcfarland | clovis | 2007 | boy |
278 | montes, jose | 1652 | 12 | highland | valley | 2007 | boy |
279 | perez,marco | 1652 | 9 | mcfarland | grand | 2007 | boy |
280 | fuentes,oscar | 1652 | 11 | East | valley | 2006 | boy |
281 | osawa,shugo | 1652 | 12 | liberty | valley | 2003 | boy |
282 | Sanchez Frankie | 1652 | 12 | west | state | 1994 | boy |
283 | Brewer Ricardo | 1652 | 10 | north | state | 1990 | boy |
284 | diaz,damacio | 1652 |
| mcfarland | state | 1987 | boy |
285 | van zandt, jake | 1653 | 12 | highland | rough | 2009 | boy |
286 | bautista,eduaro | 1653 | 11 | mcfarland | valley | 2008 | boy |
287 | o'malley,conner | 1653 | 11 | garces | valley | 2008 | boy |
288 | gerado,jose | 1653 | 11 | mcfarland | clovis | 2007 | boy |
289 | gragg,cody | 1653 | 11 | north | valley | 2006 | boy |
290 | vigel,freddie | 1653 | 12 | south | valley | 2003 | boy |
291 | Cavazos Rudy | 1653 | 10 | mcfarland | state | 1994 | boy |
292 | Medina Victor | 1653 | 11 | arvin | state | 1993 | boy |
293 | Rodriquez,Danny | 1653 | 12 | arvin | state | 1988 | boy |
294 | haney,blake | 1653 | 9 | stockdale | golden | 2010 | boy |
295 | valdez,moses | 1654 | 10 | east | valley | 2009 | boy |
296 | villapondo,jesus | 1654 | 11 | shafter | state | 2009 | boy |
297 | lewis,jerrid | 1654 | 11 | ridgeview | valley | 2008 | boy |
298 | Olvera Julio | 1654 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 2006 | boy |
299 | Gomez Jesus | 1654 | 10 | mcfarland | state | 2005 | boy |
300 | gonzales,juan | 1654 |
| mcfarland | clovis | 2002 | boy |
301 | Rooney Brandon | 1654 | 10 | techachapi | state | 2002 | boy |
302 | Medina Javier | 1654 | 10 | mcfarland | state | 2001 | boy |
303 | Garcia Martin | 1654 | 10 | Wasco | state | 1997 | boy |
304 | o'Campo,Adolfo | 1654 | 11 | Wasco | state | 1988 | boy |
305 | camargo,marco | 1655 | 10 | mcfarland | valley | 2007 | boy |
306 | nava,francico | 1655 | 9 | mcfarland | grand | 2007 | boy |
307 | Cavazos Steven | 1655 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 2003 | boy |
308 | Osawa Sho | 1655 | 12 | liberty | state | 2003 | boy |
309 | hayes,josh | 1655 |
| foothill | clovis | 2002 | boy |
310 | Franey James | 1655 | 12 | centennial | state | 2000 | boy |
311 | Hankins Keith | 1655 | 12 | centennial | state | 2000 | boy |
312 | Murphy Ryan | 1655 | 12 | stockdale | state | 2000 | boy |
313 | Arambula Jose | 1655 | 9 | mcfarland | state | 1994 | boy |
314 | Lopez Juan | 1655 | 12 | north | state | 1991 | boy |
315 | lewis,jerrid | 1656 | 11 | ridgeview | rough | 2008 | boy |
316 | camargo,marco | 1656 | 10 | mcfarland | grand | 2007 | boy |
317 | olvera,julio | 1656 | 12 | mcfarland | valley | 2006 | boy |
318 | Mendoza Ascencion | 1656 | 9 | Wasco | state | 2005 | boy |
319 | Silva Oscar | 1656 | 12 | golden valley | state | 2005 | boy |
320 | Hernandez Jose | 1656 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 2002 | boy |
321 | velasquez,matt | 1656 |
| shafter | valley | 2002 | boy |
322 | Velasco Aurelio | 1656 | 9 | mcfarland | state | 1996 | boy |
323 | Soto Gerardo | 1656 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 1995 | boy |
324 | Heredia Victor | 1656 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 1991 | boy |
325 | mendoza,arturo | 1657 | 10 | Wasco | valley | 2009 | boy |
326 | ariey,andrew | 1657 | 12 | bakersfield | valley | 2008 | boy |
327 | perez,marco | 1657 | 9 | mcfarland | clovis | 2007 | boy |
328 | lewis,colin | 1658 | 12 | highland | clovis | 2009 | boy |
329 | nava,francisco | 1658 | 11 | mcfarland | rough | 2009 | boy |
330 | lewis,colin | 1658 | 11 | highland | clovis | 2008 | boy |
331 | solis,brian | 1658 | 11 | ridgeview | rough | 2008 | boy |
332 | van zandt, jake | 1658 | 11 | highland | valley | 2008 | boy |
333 | moreno,angel | 1658 | 12 | highland | rough | 2007 | boy |
334 | wittenberg,joshua | 1658 | 10 | shafter | valley | 2006 | boy |
335 | Ruiz Octavio | 1658 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 2004 | boy |
336 | Burke Lucas | 1658 | 10 | stockdale | state | 2000 | boy |
337 | Ramirez Freddie | 1658 | 11 | Wasco | state | 1994 | boy |
338 | Soto Gerardo | 1658 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 1994 | boy |
339 | Sanchez Mike | 1658 | 12 | arvin | state | 1990 | boy |
340 | slaton,blair | 1659 | 12 | stockdale | clovis | 2009 | boy |
341 | villapondo,jesus | 1659 | 10 | shafter | valley | 2008 | boy |
342 | Lovett Stan | 1659 | 12 | north | state | 1992 | boy |
343 | Roberts Chad | 1659 | 12 | taft | state | 1992 | boy |
344 | Olson Ryan | 1659 | 12 | garces | state | 1991 | boy |
ATT | stamps,julia | 1643 | 12 | santa rosa | 1996 | 1996 | girl |
1 | grimes,brittany | 1757 | 12 | centennial | state | 2003 | girl |
2 | grimes,brittany | 1837 | 9 | centennial | state | 2000 | girl |
3 | grimes,brittany | 1839 | 11 | centennial | state | 2002 | girl |
4 | grimes,brittany | 1846 | 11 | centennial | valley | 2002 | girl |
5 | Barber Brianne | 1847 | 9 | centennial | state | 1996 | girl |
6 | Sanchez Veronica | 1850 | 10 | Wasco | state | 1995 | girl |
7 | Miller Lori | 1853 | 12 | north | state | 1991 | girl |
8 | Davis Laura | 1858 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 1997 | girl |
9 | baker,sarah | 1901 | 11 | bakersfield | valley | 2009 | girl |
10 | Veiss Alicia | 1901 | 11 | mcfarland | state | 2001 | girl |
11 | carlson,candace | 1904 | 11 | north | valley | 2007 | girl |
12 | grimes,brittany | 1904 | 10 | centennial | state | 2001 | girl |
13 | lynch,tijerra | 1905 | 11 | ridgeview | state | 2009 | girl |
14 | Bowling Tracy | 1905 | 12 | taft | state | 1996 | girl |
15 | lynch,tijerra | 1906 | 11 | ridgeview | valley | 2009 | girl |
16 | Sanchez Cristina | 1907 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 1996 | girl |
17 | lynch,tijerra | 1907 | 12 | ridgeview | clovis | 2010 | girl |
18 | Veiss Alicia | 1908 | 10 | mcfarland | state | 2000 | girl |
19 | Suburu Janel | 1909 | 9 | ridgeview | state | 1998 | girl |
20 | Salinas Maribel | 1909 | 9 | arvin | state | 1990 | girl |
21 | Carlson Candace | 1914 | 10 | north | state | 2006 | girl |
22 | veiss,alicia | 1919 |
| mcfarland | valley | 2002 | girl |
23 | Fancon Lori | 1921 | 12 | taft | state | 1993 | girl |
24 | Carlson Candace | 1922 | 9 | north | state | 2005 | girl |
25 | Miller Lori | 1922 | 10 | north | state | 1989 | girl |
26 | Barnett Lynette | 1923 | 11 | centennial | state | 2003 | girl |
27 | Sa(i/l)divar Maria | 1923 | 11 | east | state | 2002 | girl |
28 | Davis Laura | 1923 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 1998 | girl |
29 | Miller Lori | 1923 | 11 | north | state | 1990 | girl |
30 | carlson,candace | 1924 | 10 | north | valley | 2006 | girl |
31 | Sanchez Cristina | 1924 | 9 | mcfarland | state | 1993 | girl |
32 | Veiss Alicia | 1925 | 9 | mcfarland | state | 1999 | girl |
33 | nolasco,ashley | 1926 | 12 | stockdale | clovis | 2007 | girl |
34 | lynch,tijerra | 1927 | 11 | ridgeview | rough | 2009 | girl |
35 | Bedke Jamie | 1927 | 11 | centennial | state | 2000 | girl |
36 | Carlson Candace | 1928 | 11 | north | state | 2007 | girl |
37 | mccune,jessica | 1929 |
| centennial | valley | 2002 | girl |
38 | Marlow Maxine | 1929 | 11 | centennial | state | 2000 | girl |
39 | Almanza Sonia | 1930 | 10 | taft | state | 2001 | girl |
40 | lynch,tijerra | 1931 | 10 | ridgeview | valley | 2008 | girl |
41 | Bedke Lindi | 1931 | 9 | centennial | state | 1998 | girl |
42 | Blowling Tracy | 1932 | 11 | taft | state | 1995 | girl |
43 | Cohn Tracy | 1932 | 10 | stockdale | state | 1994 | girl |
44 | montgomery,amanda | 1934 |
| north | valley | 2002 | girl |
45 | Caufield Julie | 1934 | 12 | east | state | 1987 | girl |
46 | morley,monica | 1935 | 12 | centennial | rough | 2006 | girl |
47 | King Wendy | 1935 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 1999 | girl |
48 | Fancon Lori | 1936 | 11 | taft | state | 1992 | girl |
49 | lynch,tijerra | 1938 | 10 | ridgeview | state | 2008 | girl |
50 | Guillen Irma | 1938 | 11 | shafter | state | 1996 | girl |
51 | Miller Lori | 1938 | 9 | north | state | 1988 | girl |
52 | rodriguez,jeannette | 1939 | 12 | highland | valley | 2009 | girl |
53 | baker,sarah | 1939 | 12 | bakersfield | clovis | 2010 | girl |
54 | armendariz,desiree | 1941 | 10 | ridgeview | valley | 2009 | girl |
55 | Davis Laura | 1941 | 9 | mcfarland | state | 1995 | girl |
56 | Guillen Irma | 1941 | 10 | shafter | state | 1995 | girl |
57 | blackmon,tori | 1941 | 10 | stockdale | clovis | 2010 | girl |
58 | salazar,cassandra | 1943 | 12 | shafter | valley | 2007 | girl |
59 | Davis Laura | 1944 | 10 | mcfarland | state | 1996 | girl |
60 | fernandez,natalie | 1945 | 11 | foothill | state | 2009 | girl |
61 | Sumlin Latanya | 1945 | 10 | north | state | 1993 | girl |
62 | salazar,cassandra | 1946 | 12 | shafter | grand | 2007 | girl |
63 | dittman,jennifer | 1946 | 12 | centennial | valley | 2006 | girl |
64 | baker,sarah | 1947 | 11 | bakersfield | state | 2009 | girl |
65 | Sanchez Veronica | 1947 | 12 | Wasco | state | 1997 | girl |
66 | baker,sarah | 1949 | 9 | bakersfield | rough | 2007 | girl |
67 | Montgomery Amanda | 1949 | 12 | north | state | 2005 | girl |
68 | Ayala Patty | 1950 | 9 | highland | state | 1997 | girl |
68 | armendariz,desiree | 1951 | 10 | ridgeview | state | 2009 | girl |
69 | fernandez,natalie | 1951 | 10 | foothill | state | 2008 | girl |
70 | wittenberg,elizabeth | 1951 | 12 | shafter | grand | 2008 | girl |
71 | McCune Jessica | 1951 | 12 | centennial | state | 2002 | girl |
72 | morley,monica | 1952 | 11 | centennial | valley | 2006 | girl |
73 | Hicks Jenna | 1952 | 12 | stockdale | state | 2004 | girl |
74 | Barnett Lynette | 1952 | 10 | centennial | state | 2002 | girl |
75 | martinez,nicole | 1952 |
| east | valley | 2002 | girl |
76 | Dumler Tracie | 1952 | 9 | north | state | 1995 | girl |
77 | guzman,monica | 1953 | 11 | garces | valley | 2008 | girl |
78 | wittenberg,elizabeth | 1953 | 11 | shafter | valley | 2007 | girl |
79 | patel,riddhi | 1954 | 9 | stockdale | valley | 2009 | girl |
80 | millwee,moriah | 1956 | 10 | shafter | valley | 2009 | girl |
81 | nolasco,ashley | 1957 | 12 | stockdale | valley | 2007 | girl |
82 | Martinez Nicole | 1957 | 11 | east | state | 2002 | girl |
83 | Suburu Janel | 1957 | 10 | ridgeview | state | 1999 | girl |
84 | Sanchez Lucia | 1957 | 12 | mcfarland | state | 1993 | girl |
85 | Hug Ann | 1958 | 12 | north | state | 2005 | girl |
86 | Barnett Lynette | 1958 | 12 | centennial | state | 2004 | girl |
87 | Nakashima Beth | 1958 | 10 | foothill | state | 1991 | girl |
88 | wittenberger,elizabeth | 1959 | 12 | shafter | valley | 2008 | girl |
89 | Florez Erica | 1959 | 9 | bakersfield | state | 1994 | girl |
90 | Cohn Tracy | 1959 | 9 | stockdale | state | 1993 | girl |
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