79 out of 204 beat their time from before despite the heat. of course some have been trying to game the system to place high in the overall standings but quite a few just let it hang all out at every run and are unconcerned about the points race.
Some improvers this week were Gabby Lerma (photo) Of Bakersfield High who came in 26th with a time of 23:15/28:37.
Future Driller Scott Van Matre ran 25:14 but exceeded his handicap so instead of getting 36th place he was moved to 80th, His brother David (Driller 08') came in 55th with a time of 19:25/29:32.
Ahead of him was Zach Holt (Driller 09') who came in 46th in a time of 17:39/29:21. Zach is going to be runing his first marathon at San Francisco on July 26th. He is shooting for a sub three performance.
Jessica Huizar of Ridgeview came in 28th in a time of 23:59/28:49 and was followed by her coach Adam Setzer who ran 21:49/28:55 for 32nd place. The Wolf Pack's biggest supporter is Robby Baker's mother Danette and she came in 53rd in a time of 33:28/29:29.
After a cross country trip with the kids and back, Kari and Jonathan managed to improve their times. Kari cam in 44th in a time of 31:37/29:20 and Jonathan came in 50th in a time of 22:39/29:26.
Showing no mercy on friends or elders was Oscar Fuentes (East High 08' - 60th in 17:58/29:40) who chased down and passed his girlfriend Lina Nunez (CSUB - 61st - 21:31/29:41)in the last yards of the race and Andrew Ariey (Driller 09' - 75th in 17:36/29:55) elbowed his way past a former Driller Joel Cardoza (76th - 21:14/29:57) in the last yards of the race too.
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