Mr. Toads Wild Run - 5K, 20K Trail Runs starting at the Sheriff's Department shooting range in Hart Park, Bakersfield
Saturday December 5, 2009
8:00 a.m.
Well the rain earlier in the week made the conditions almost perfect today. It had been dusty and slick out there but the rain made the footing great.
Plus the weather was very nice. it was sunny and cool the whole time and the only weather related issue, anyone could have had was dressing to warmly. The 20k was won by Ridgeview senior Robby Baker (1:20:23) who passed the second place finisher in the later half of the race.
Of course the second place finisher may have been a bit distracted because at the awards ceremony, he proposed to his girlfriend! 20k racer Toshi Hosaka (1:21:09) proposed to his girlfriend when he came up to pick up his medal at the awards ceremony. She said yes and received a beautiful engagement ring.
The first female 20k finisher was CSUB's Casey Glassey (1:31:48). Her teamate Arianna Celis won the 5k in 20:11 and Alex Hernandez was the first male in 19:19.
Other 20k Finishers included:
- Centennial cross country runner Eric Millan (1:29:00) won the 1 - 19 age group.
- His teammate Jorey Braughton (2:07:33) also won her age group.
- Former Centennial runners took 1,2,3 in the women's 20 to 29. Brittany Grimes (1:44:02), Brooklyn Grimes (1:51:58) and running camper Lyndi Wilson (2:06:57) swept the medals. They were followed by CSUB's Judith Mata (2:11:38). Lyndi's husband ran 2:24:39
- Jane Cherry ran a strong 2:31:03 which was close to her BTC Half time.
- Steve Dalke ran 1:35:49 for third in the 40 to 49 and running camper David Plyler came in 5th in a time of 1:46:28
- Pam Boyles won the 40 to 49 in a time of 1:37:43!
- Cregg Weinmann won the 50 to 59 in 1:37:39 and was followed by Bruce Deeter in 1:38:17.
- Diana Daves (running camper) finished in 2:44:15
- Joesph Fitzpatrick (10) who won the 1 to 12 year age group with an excellent time of 20:39. Next weekend he will be running at the USATF Cross Country Nationals in Reno, NV.
- Future Driller Scott Van Matre came in second in the 13 to 14 division with a time of 23:09.
- Speaking of National Championships, Carl Hatley is taking a number on Lamont students to the race too. He won the 50 to 59 race in a time of 19:42.
- Lupe Eberle won the 50 to 59 race in a time of 25:49.
Join the Bakersfield Track Club (BTC) along with the Kern Council on
Physical Fitness and Sports as they stage the race you love to hate and the race you hate to love. Mr. Toad’s is the wildest ride on the toughest course for two legs in Kern County. Featured points include Hang Glider Hill,
B@#+%*d Hill, and Mr. Toad’s Gully. Tough aside, this course is the most
fun you will ever experience in a run. In fact, it’s an E – ticket ride you
won’t forget.
Original design competitor t-shirt (guaranteed for first 250 registered)
Original awards in 10 year age groups
5k includes 12 & under, 13-14, and 15-19 year age groups
Plenty of raucous aid stations
Race announcer
Post race food and beverages
Great music for hanging around
Computerized timing and quick results
Unpredictable weather which makes Mr. Toad’s the exciting challenge it has become
PLEASE PRE-REGISTER, it saves you $5!
BTC members get a $2 discount on early registration.
Pre-registration by mail must be postmarked by Saturday November 28th.
You can register online at www.active.com
Race packet pick-up & late registration available at Action Sports at
Calloway and Brimhall on Friday, December 4th, 3-6 p.m. (not before, not
Race day packet pick-up and registration 6:30-7:30 a.m. at Hart Park
POLLIWOG RUN – Just for Kids!
Children ages walking to 12 years can participate in a mini version of this fun
run. For no cost, your child can blast 400 meters (approximately) down the
hill into the finish chute! In the spirit of promoting running for fun and health,
there will be no times or awards. Each child will receive a participant ribbon.
We’ll make a call for participants and then start at about 10:00 a.m.
Raffle tickets are available for purchase with your pre-registration AND on
race day. Tickets are $1/ticket or $2/ three tickets. Great prizes guaranteed!
From Highway 99, take Highway 178 exit heading east.
Turn left (stop light) on Fairfax Avenue (just east of the
Oswell Exit).
At the bottom of the hill, turn right onto Alfred Harrel
Highway heading east.
Go 4 miles to Hart Park.
Race start is just inside park entrance on the right.
Kern Council on Physical Fitness & Sports (KCPFS). The
council is dedicated to promoting fitness and wellness through
physical activity and movement oriented lifestyles. Along with
producing running events, wellness seminars, and fitness
activities for children, the Council raises money for scholarships
that are awarded to local students and for donations to physical
education programs in local schools. It is widely known that
people in our country don’t make physical fitness a priority and
millions are suffering from poor health as a result. The council
recognizes that a difference can be made if children (and adults)
are taught the health benefits of exercise. If they are given an
opportunity to enjoy physical activity, they will adopt a fitness
lifestyle that will serve them with years of health and happiness.
Bakersfield Track Club (BTC). The BTC is a long-standing
organization that promotes fitness and camaraderie through
running. The BTC organizes events throughout the year to give
Bakersfield runners a chance to “show their stuff” against the
clock or against the competition. Great friendships are built
between club members through their common interest in running.
Go to www.bakersfieldtrackclub.com for more information or to
join the club.
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