2010 Photos HERE.
Held at Morro Bay High School on Saturday, September 11th, this year's
running took place under cloudy skies The measurements taken from coaches previewing the course averaged 2.75 miles. Mile one is on good footing, mile two is challenging (beach) footing, and the final .75 miles is back on good footing, though the racers said the exit from the beach was really tough. As the day pressed on, the finishing times revealed the challenges of the record-less course. The rising tide confined the varsity runners to softer sand then the earlier race runners experienced.
Craig Varner (photo) came in 12th and was the top finisher (16:15) for the Centennial. His team mate Molly Pruett was the top girl in a time of 20:50 for 31st place. Jeremias Xancale was the Taft's top finisher in a time of 17:41 and Marina Johson was the top female for Taft.
Varsity Boys:
12 16:15 Craig Varner 11 Centennial
22 16:47 Eric Millan 11 Centennial
54 17:41 Jeremias Xancale 12 Taft
56 17:43 Jerrod Montolongo 10 Centennial
57 17:44 Daniel Loza 12 Taft
65 17:47 Josh White 10 Centennial
79 18:16 Craig Bailey 10 Centennial
82 18:22 Jake Schultz 11 Centennial
97 18:59 Chris Lopez 10 Taft
108 19:30 Pete Melendez 10 Centennial
113 19:47 Travis Morrow 12 Taft
114 19:47 Michael Mager 12 Taft
117 19:52 Tony Martinez 11 Taft
120 20:19 Clay Beagly 12 Centennial
123 20:27 Tanner Dewalt 11 Centennial
129 ? Brad Hinsley 12 Centennial
Varsity Girls:
31 20:50 Molly P. 9 Centennial
36 21:06 Emme Schoenborn 9 Centennial
48 21:33 Christina Gutierrez 9 Centennial
54 21:53 Megan Brooks 9 Centennial
73 22:33 Liz Sanchez 12 Centennial
96 24:00 Marina Johnson 11 Taft
98 24:03 Melissa Melgar 12 Centennial
100 24:20 Maleeya Hermosilla 11 Centennial
102 24:43 Ashley Martinez 11 Centennial
103 25:19 Serraya Hermosilla 12 Centennial
107 26:39 Samantha Morrow 10 Taft
109 ? Sarah Moore 12 Centennial
110 ? Minely Rodriguez 12 Taft
Complete Results Below:
Place Time first Last Grade School
1 15:37 Cameron Barela 12 Mission Hills
2 15:39 Seamus Land 11 SLO
3 15:41 Kyle Salmonsen 12 Ventura
4 15:47 Edwin Herrera 11 Ventura
5 15:53 Easton Tackers 12 Ventura
6 15:57 Danny Hawkins 12 Los Osos
7 16:00 Gustavo Sanchez 11 Nordhoff
8 16:03 Christian Navarro 12 Los Osos
9 16:05 Garrett Baker 12 Ventura
10 16:08 Luke Kraemer 11 SLO
11 16:10 Ian Roberts 11 Ventura
12 16:15 Craig Varner 11 Centennial
13 16:18 Brayden Schmidt 12 SLO
14 16:24 Matt Russell 12 Nordhoff
15 16:26 Pablo Nicasio 10 Righetti
16 16:33 Doug Petree 12 Ventura
17 16:34 Orbanel Perez 9 Righetti
18 16:36 Chris Pavlaknovich 12 Righetti
19 16:37 Bryan Carroll 12 Morro Bay
20 16:38 Nathan Hennigan 11 Nordhoff
21 16:47 Sebastian Holleufev 11 Nipomo
22 16:47 Eric Millan 11 Centennial
23 16:50 Pepe Gonzalez 12 Paso Robles
24 16:53 Bridge Eimon 12 Templeton
25 16:54 Mack McGonagill 12 Morro Bay
26 16:56 Cameron Bauer 11 SLO
27 16:57 Matt Kwiatkowski 10 Paso Robles
28 17:02 Richard Huizar 11 Mission Hills
29 17:05 Nick Landy 10 Templeton
30 17:06 Ashton Eto 12 Morro Bay
31 17:07 Kieran Giammichele 11 Ventura
32 17:10 Matt Nottenkamper 11 Paso Robles
33 17:18 Nick Stair 10 Paso Robles
34 17:19 Winchester Eubank 12 Santa Ynez
35 17:20 Javier Garcia 12 Santa Ynez
36 17:22 Ethan Lewis ? Atascadero
37 17:23 Noah Tillmann ? Atascadero
38 17:24 Nick Bieraugel 10 Mission Hills
39 17:27 Josh Meko 12 Nipomo
40 17:28 Blake Vhanle 10 Arroyo Grande
41 17:28 Blair Libby 11 Arroyo Grande
42 17:28 Jonathan Corley 10 Arroyo Grande
43 17:28 Trevor Cowan 10 Arroyo Grande
44 17:28 Joshua Davis 11 Arroyo Grande
45 17:28 Bill Shires 11 Arroyo Grande
46 17:32 Britt Farrell 9 Mission Hills
47 17:34 Will Stiegler 12 Paso Robles
48 17:34 Joe Arndt ? Atascadero
49 17:34 Cody Frazier ? Atascadero
50 17:35 Aaron Cisneros 10 Los Osos
51 17:38 Andy Hollist 12 Los Osos
52 17:40 Ben Adam 10 St. Joe
53 17:40 Zander Sousa 11 Paso Robles
54 17:41 Jeremias Xancale 12 Taft
55 17:41 Riley Pihl 11 SLO
56 17:43 Jerrod Montolongo 10 Centennial
57 17:44 Daniel Loza 12 Taft
58 17:44 Raul Torres 11 Righetti
59 17:45 Alex McKinney 11 Righetti
60 17:45 Billy Vedrin 10 Morro Bay
61 17:46 Sammi Hascall 10 Nipomo
62 17:46 Austin Borba 10 Paso Robles
63 17:47 Stuart Adam 10 St. Joe
64 17:47 Jonathan Kleinman 10 Paso Robles
65 17:47 Josh White 10 Centennial
66 17:49 Robin Allison 10 Nordhoff
67 17:51 Joel Sincock 11 Los Osos
68 17:52 ? ? ? ?
69 17:55 James McCay ? MCP
70 17:58 Josh Nicols 9 Arroyo Grande
71 17:59 Ethan Hopwood ? MCP
72 17:59 Tony Lundberg ? MCP
73 18:03 Corey Boggs 12 Los Osos
74 18:03 Coner McNamare 10 Righetti
75 18:04 Anthony Rodriguez 12 Righetti
76 18:09 Kory Burt 11 SLO
77 18:11 Taylor Lunceford ? Atascadero
78 18:14 Wesley Ewart 11 Los Osos
79 18:16 Craig Bailey 10 Centennial
80 18:20 Matt Murray 11 Templeton
81 18:20 Angel Maya 10 Nordhoff
82 18:22 Jake Schultz 11 Centennial
83 18:24 Patrick Hawkes 11 St. Joe
84 18:26 Eli Malfo 9 St. Joe
85 18:26 Thomas Arndt ? Atascadero
86 18:27 Jesus Montiel ? Pioneer Valley
87 18:28 Vince Cimmarusti 12 Nordhoff
88 18:32 ? ? ? ?
89 18:33 Jose Lopez 10 Paso Robles
90 18:35 Willie Ruoff 12 Morro Bay
91 18:36 Graham Ashby 12 Dos Pueblos
92 18:37 Nick Isreal 12 Mission Hills
93 18:37 Josh Prosser 9 Mission Hills
94 18:39 Brendon Morrow 12 Dos Pueblos
95 18:47 Scott Palti 12 Los Osos
96 18:51 Dustin Roberts ? Pioneer Valley
97 18:59 Chris Lopez 10 Taft
98 19:00 Garrett Khougaz 11 Nordhoff
99 19:06 Brendan Patterson ? Pioneer Valley
100 19:10 Ben Labell 10 Dos Pueblos
101 19:11 Kenny Cromer 11 Nipomo
102 19:12 Diego Saldonid 9 Los Osos
103 19:14 Jake Moghtader 11 Dos Pueblos
104 19:18 Andy Tong 12 SLO
105 19:19 Garrett Tice 10 Templeton
106 19:21 Zach Wallace 10 Dos Pueblos
107 19:26 Anthony Jensen 12 Los Osos
108 19:30 Pete Melendez 10 Centennial
109 19:36 David Garcia 10 Los Osos
110 19:38 Enrique Pinon ? Pioneer Valley
111 19:38 Derek Castro 12 St. Joe
112 19:42 Nick Lamir 12 St. Joe
113 19:47 Travis Morrow 12 Taft
114 19:47 Michael Mager 12 Taft
115 19:50 Spencer Mitchell ? Santa Ynez
116 19:51 Bryant Maldonado 12 Nipomo
117 19:52 Tony Martinez 11 Taft
118 20:00 Daniel Clower 11 Templeton
119 20:01 Owen Sebo 11 Templeton
120 20:19 Clay Beagly 12 Centennial
121 20:19 John Mahoney 12 St. Joe
122 20:25 Alex Freeman ? MCP
123 20:27 Tanner Dewalt 11 Centennial
124 20:34 Keanu Cohen ? Santa Ynez
125 20:37 Oscar Lopez 12 Nipomo
126 20:43 Mathew Muldoon ? ?
127 20:47 German Anlano 10 Nipomo
128 ? Armando Colores ? Pioneer Valley
129 ? Brad Hinsley 12 Centennial
Place Time first Last Grade School
1 18:25 Savannah Camacho 11 Templeton
2 18:31 Annie Mooney 12 MCP
3 18:36 Hannah Kirkeguard 10 Ventura
4 18:38 Micayla Rennick 10 SLO
5 18:45 Kathleen Uyttewaal 12 SLO
6 19:09 Muriel Bench 12 Atascadero
7 19:26 Erin Campbell 12 Dos Pueblos
8 19:31 Maddy Cline 12 Paso Robles
9 19:32 Mariah Livengood ? Atascadero
10 19:34 Quetta Peinado 12 St. Joe
11 19:45 Amanda Darouie 11 Mission Hills
12 19:48 Christine Hoffman 11 SLO
13 19:56 Meghan Malloy 12 Ventura
14 19:56 Janelle Myers 12 Los Osos
15 19:58 Emily Torres 12 Los Osos
16 20:01 Jessica Alvarez 10 Los Osos
17 20:03 Elle Farrar 12 Los Osos
18 20:08 Marlene Estell 12 Mission Hills
19 20:12 Alex Gonzalez 11 Los Osos
20 20:14 Stephanie Curnow 12 Mission Hills
21 20:17 Mariah Gradvy 12 SLO
22 20:26 Sarah Jamieson 11 Dos Pueblos
23 20:27 Bridget Adam 10 St. Joe
24 20:28 Madelriue LaVack 11 SLO
25 20:36 Rachael Jelstrom 11 Morro Bay
26 20:37 Madison Thompson 12 Ventura
27 20:43 Lara Schwalenberg 12 Dos Pueblos
28 20:46 Jillian Mclenithan ? Atascadero
29 20:48 Elizabeth Rigali 9 St. Joe
30 20:48 Rachel Frye 11 MCP
31 20:50 Molly P. 9 Centennial
32 20:55 Christina Canchola 11 Nordhoff
33 21:00 Nicole Kingley ? Atascadero
34 21:04 Leah Rife-Dupuy 10 SLO
35 21:04 Rebecca Roberts 12 Los Osos
36 21:06 Emme Schoenborn 9 Centennial
37 21:08 Nikita Kinsell 12 Paso Robles
38 21:08 Macey Burgeson 11 Morro Bay
39 21:09 Sara Petree 10 Ventura
40 21:12 Devin Corea 9 Paso Robles
41 21:12 Cheryl Wilson 11 Dos Pueblos
42 21:12 Camille Patterson 11 Dos Pueblos
43 21:16 Meghan Arigo 12 SLO
44 21:20 Marie Frye 11 MCP
45 21:27 Emily Hooke 10 Ventura
46 21:29 Lizzy Hoyt 12 Morro Bay
47 21:30 Jessica Lucas 12 Ventura
48 21:33 Christina Gutierrez 9 Centennial
49 21:36 Karina Torres ? MCP
50 21:40 Jennie Yeaman 12 Mission Hills
51 21:41 Yvette Ponce 12 Mission Hills
52 21:42 Hailey Richardson 10 Mission Hills
53 21:49 Brittney Brandt 12 St. Joe
54 21:53 Megan Brooks 9 Centennial
55 21:58 Danica Boggs 10 Paso Robles
56 22:00 Katie Rodriguez 12 Righetti
57 22:05 Caitlin Brandt 12 St. Joe
58 22:06 Kyra Meko 9 Nipomo
59 22:08 Nelly Figueroa 12 Ventura
60 22:15 Shay Calderon 12 Santa Ynez
61 22:15 Machelaina Smith 10 Nordhoff
62 22:20 Alexis Brandt 12 St. Joe
63 22:25 Loren Fisher 12 Morro Bay
64 22:25 Brooke Ranes 12 Arroyo Grande
65 22:25 Hannah Stevens 11 Arroyo Grande
66 22:26 Emily Johnston 11 Arroyo Grande
67 22:26 Natalie Hugler 11 Arroyo Grande
68 22:26 Lupita Leon 10 Arroyo Grande
69 22:27 Amanda Trecartin 12 Arroyo Grande
70 22:29 Connie Wang 11 Dos Pueblos
71 22:31 Jenny Stallmann 12 Paso Robles
72 22:32 Tori Greaves 12 Los Osos
73 22:33 Liz Sanchez 12 Centennial
74 22:35 Jenna Corbin 11 Nipomo
75 22:40 Haley Illes ? Santa Ynez
76 22:42 Nicole Steingruber 10 Paso Robles
77 22:46 Silvia Mejia ? Pioneer Valley
78 22:47 Sensika Niyathapala 12 Righetti
79 22:48 Paulette Rigali 12 St. Joe
80 22:52 Rocio Martinez ? Pioneer Valley
81 22:54 Hayley Fouratt 9 Righetti
82 22:58 Kate Stovicek 12 St. Joe
83 23:02 Angela Sandoval 10 Paso Robles
84 23:09 Miya McHugh 12 Dos Pueblos
85 23:11 Marcie Rodden 12 Morro Bay
86 23:13 Felicitas Ruiz 10 Righetti
87 23:14 Cat Truax 12 Santa Ynez
88 23:17 Lindsay Luckenback 11 Nordhoff
89 23:17 Arianna Farmer 11 Righetti
90 23:24 Ivy Martinez ? Pioneer Valley
91 23:28 Patricia Mendez ? Pioneer Valley
92 23:29 Allie Martinez 10 Righetti
93 23:31 Carina Hampp 11 Morro Bay
94 23:41 Rebecca Cruz 11 Arroyo Grande
95 23:46 Aly Martin 10 Nipomo
96 24:00 Marina Johnson 11 Taft
97 24:02 Roary Devine 9 Righetti
98 24:03 Melissa Melgar 12 Centennial
99 24:13 Victoria Torres 9 Nipomo
100 24:20 Maleeya Hermosilla 11 Centennial
101 24:34 Morgan Herliky 11 Nipomo
102 24:43 Ashley Martinez 11 Centennial
103 25:19 Serraya Hermosilla 12 Centennial
104 25:37 Elide Herrera ? Pioneer Valley
105 25:53 Wendy Castaneda ? Pioneer Valley
106 26:11 Jenna MacCarley 11 Nipomo
107 26:39 Samantha Morrow 10 Taft
108 ? Noemi Hernandez 12 Nordhoff
109 ? Sarah Moore 12 Centennial
110 ? Minely Rodriguez 12 Taft
Place Time first Last Grade School
1 16:39 Tanner Shelton 11 Ventura
2 17:00 Christian Giommichele 11 Ventura
3 17:10 Angel Diaz 11 Santa Maria
4 17:29 Brandon Dviesbach ? Atascadero
5 17:38 Philip Angelo 11 Ventura
6 17:42 Brent Turner 12 Ventura
7 17:43 Anthony Angel ? Santa Ynez
8 17:45 Cole Mauter 11 Morro Bay
9 17:46 Steven Dunbar 11 Arroyo Grande
10 17:46 Ben Watson 11 Arroyo Grande
11 17:46 Nick Valenzuela 11 Ventura
12 17:48 Lee Baker 10 Ventura
13 17:58 Michael Mannon ? Atascadero
14 18:01 David Avila 11 Arroyo Grande
15 18:01 Cody Sasaki 10 Ventura
16 18:01 Ben Gill 11 Ventura
17 18:04 Klarq Treiberg 12 Ventura
18 18:05 Joe Vielbig 10 Ventura
19 18:10 Matt Roberts 12 Ventura
20 18:15 Thomas Brownly 9 Arroyo Grande
21 18:15 Aidan Farrell 10 Paso Robles
22 18:17 Jon Macaluso ? Santa Ynez
23 18:17 Javier Molina 11 Bell-Jeff
24 18:19 Jacob Wolfe 12 SLO
25 18:20 Gabe Emlen 9 Bell-Jeff
26 18:20 Conrad Slater 10 Ventura
27 18:22 Israel Ramirez 12 Santa Maria
28 18:26 Joshua Rodriguez 11 Righetti
29 18:30 Ethan Serpa 9 Paso Robles
30 18:39 Nathan Jarrett 10 Arroyo Grande
Place Time first Last Grade School
1 19:53 Page Shelton 9 Ventura
2 20:27 Rylie Fee 10 Morro Bay
3 20:28 Seychelle Kauffman 10 Ventura
4 20:33 Nikki Machado 10 Morro Bay
5 20:41 Karaline Bridgeford 10 SLO
6 20:42 Sydne Aguilar 9 SLO
7 20:42 Megan Kearney 9 Ventura
8 20:51 Alex Burkhart 9 Los Osos
9 20:54 Kylie Herlihy 10 Arroyo Grande
10 20:58 Brynn Frace ? Atascadero
11 21:02 Paris Beauregard 9 Ventura
12 21:06 Kelly Lomagno 9 Ventura
13 21:07 Emma Phillips 10 SLO
14 21:20 Emma Redick 10 Dos Pueblos
15 21:21 Olivia Carmo 10 SLO
16 21:24 Ashley Fisher 10 Morro Bay
17 21:25 Shelby Warren ? Atascadero
18 21:28 Sammer Sheffield 11 Arroyo Grande
19 21:29 Miriam Orosko ? Atascadero
20 21:35 Haley Peterson 10 Dos Pueblos
21 21:45 Bianca Collazo 10 Ventura
22 21:46 Kathleen Knight 11 SLO
23 21:47 Savanah McCarthy ? Atascadero
24 21:48 Shaunessy Grant 10 Dos Pueblos
25 21:50 Morgan Plummer 10 Los Osos
26 21:53 Yezenias Romero 10 Arroyo Grande
27 21:56 Danica Hagen 9 SLO
28 22:03 Julia Franko ? Atascadero
29 22:10 Victoria Bonds 9 Ventura
30 22:11 Casey Gielen 11 Los Osos
Place Time first Last Grade School
1 16:48 Josh Ernst 10 SLO
2 17:26 Jose Garcia 9 Santa Maria
3 17:32 David White 9 SLO
4 17:52 Eddiberti Onofro 10 Santa Maria
5 17:54 Esteban De la Cruz 10 Righetti
6 17:59 Andrew Ramirez ? Atascadero
7 18:11 Ford Eimen 9 Templeton
8 18:21 Jhordy Ramirez 9 Santa Maria
9 18:22 Hector Ramirez 10 Santa Maria
10 18:25 Austin Herrington 10 Templeton
11 18:29 Julian Chairez 12 Righetti
12 18:49 Chad Schutze 10 Nordhoff
13 19:54 Leo Soriano 10 Nordhoff
14 18:56 Jonas Meisenheimer 9 SLO
15 19:04 Rory McClish 9 Morro Bay
16 19:06 Ricky Cortez 9 Righetti
17 19:19 Alec Stallman 9 SLO
18 19:23 Justin Hunt ? Atascadero
19 19:30 Stephen Ziegler 10 Nordhoff
20 19:31 Chris Popoca 9 Morro Bay
21 19:35 Elmer Barrueta 10 Santa Maria
22 19:37 Sam Jacobs ? Atascadero
23 19:38 Eddie Ruvalcaba 12 Righetti
24 19:39 Max Soriano 9 Nordhoff
25 19:42 Neal Clark 9 Morro Bay
26 19:43 Joe Johnson ? Atascadero
27 19:49 Ricky Guerrero 11 Righetti
28 19:50 Ryan Lilly 10 Morro Bay
29 19:54 Thomas Panushka 9 Ventura
30 19:55 Alias Adorno 10 Ventura
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