Saturday, March 27, 2010
2010 Complete Results HERE.
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Distance Highlights:
Event 5 Girls 1600 Meter Run
# Name Year School Finals
1 Helms,:Katie FR ontier 6:29.60
2 Gerez,'Brittany FR ontier 6:39.90
3 Gutierrez,,Esperanza Mira.Monte 6:41.90
4 Camacho,.Alexandra FR ontier 6:55.10
5 Holden,!Ashley FR ontier ... 7:02.10
6 Garcia,!Bricia Mira.Monte 7:12.30
7 Molina,.Jessica Mira.Monte 7:44.30
8 Quiroz,,Barbara Mira.Monte 7:46.60
Event 6 Boys 1600 Meter Run
# Name Year School Finals
1 Ramos,;Kameron Mira.Monte 4:46.50
2 Hernandez,:Alex North:Bakers 4:47.80
3 Mireles,.Luis Shafter 4:50.20
4 Manzo,'Erik Shafter 4:54.70
5 Mosqueda,'Francisco North,Bakers 4:56....90
6 Jacob Barger FR ontier 4:59.30
7 Pelayo,,Jose Shafter 5:02.80
8 Reyes,!Juan Mira:Monte 5:03.20
9 Espinoza,;Jose Shafter 5:03.80
10 Lopez,;Jesse North!Bakers 5:10.00
Event 17 Girls 3200 Meter Run
# Name Year School Finals
1 Gutierrez,.Esperanza Mira,Monte 14:44.47
2 Molina,.Jessica Mira;Monte 15:37.13
Event 18 Boys 3200 Meter Run
# Name Year School Finals
1 Mosqueda,;Francisco North,Bakers 10:57.15
2 Reyes...,'Juan Mira;Monte 11:08.67
3 Ortega,:Baltazar Mira:Monte 11:35.97
4 Rodriquez,;Albert Mira,Monte 12:09.59
5 Lopez,!Jesse North.Bakers 12:25.01
6 Para,;Raul Mira:Monte 12:26.41
7 Leal,:Raymundo Mira!Monte 12:41.24
8 Mendoza,;Ivan Mira.Monte 13:09.78
9 Garcia,;Jonathan Mira;Monte 14:14.05
10 Espiritu,:Isaac Mira:Monte 14:19.48
Place: Frontier High School Stadium
6401 Allen Road
Bakersfield CA 93314
Time: 9:30 am Field Events
10 am Running Events
Level: This track invitational is open to Freshmen and Sophomore competitors only.
Entry Deadline: Entries must be submitted by 12 noon on Friday, March 19. Entry fees
will be $6.00 per athlete and $10.00 per relay. Maximum per team will
be $180.00. Make checks payable to Frontier High School Track Club. Checks can be mailed or brought to the meet. Please provide a list of all your coaches. Please send entries via e-mail to david_gaeta@khsd.k12.ca.us or fax to (661) 829-1185. Please call if you have any questions, 661-599-2904. Adds/Scratches: Adds and scratches will be made with the clerk of the course on meet day.
Implement Weigh In: Both discus and shots can be weighed in starting at 8 am.
Facility: Frontier has a dirt track and dirt runways. Competitors can use spikes of any
Meet Information: Team packets will be available on meet day as teams arrive. All teams
will enter on the southeast corner of the stadium.
General Information: This meet is sanctioned by the CIF and all Central Section rules
will apply. No large sound systems are permitted. No glass
containers are to be brought into the stadium. No dressing facilities
will be available. All canopies for teams will be set up on the top
rows only of both the home and visitor bleaches. Appropriate
sportsmanship and proper behavior is expected of all participants.
Parking: Bus and van parking is available in the parking lot on the east side of the
stadium on Kratzmeyer Road.
Athlete Check In: Competitors in the track events must check in with the Clerk of the
Course no later than the final call. Event times are tentative. If the meet
runs ahead of scheduled times, we will continue. Field competitors
will check in at the event site. Athletes are to exit the stadium infield
at the conclusion of their race.
Coaches: Coaches are requested to remain outside the fence during competition. Failure to comply may result in disqualification of athletes.
Trainer: Frontier High will provide a training area for first aid, ice and water. We ask that
each school provide their own tape.
Uniforms: All competitors must wear school issued uniforms. No jewelry or excess tape
is allowed. All relay teams must wear matching uniforms.
Admission: Adults $5.00
Students with ID: $3.00
Children 5 & under: Free
CIF passes will be honored.
Programs: Souvenir programs will be available for $2.00 at the main entrance.
Concessions: There will be food and beverages sold at the concession stand throughout
the day.
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